Over time, this blog will become a collection of insights, techniques, learnings, metaphor, and tools that come from or relate to what is commonly known as Hypnosis, and Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP).
But really, no matter how the posts look, they are all stories. Sometimes mine, sometimes given by others.
Every story has a beginning, every journey has a start. That first step that gets taken, often without realizing where it will lead to, and what will unfold.
And everyone has a story. We write our own stories through the choices we make, the actions we chose going forward from then to now and beyond.
Sometimes our stories go wrong, or we become lost, or stuck. Each one of us has this happen at some point. Sometimes, we get past it on our own, sometimes someone is there to help. Other times, we know to seek help. And occasionally we are stuck, yet take a long time to realize it.
There was a time in my life where I realized my own story was getting stuck, that I needed something more to go further. I started with exploring self improvement... the mind, how we can change ourselves to be more. Peak performance in all areas of life. Eventually, this led into NLP and Hypnosis studies. It has been quite the journey, many amazing times, and a few scary ones.
There is another term for people that are Hypnosis Practitioners or NLP Practitioners. We are also called `Change Agents`.
It is important to realize that Hypnosis and NLP are not about ``mind control`` . That only exists in fiction. The reality is that it is about increasing choices for people. Allowing them to access resources within themselves that they already have, or developing new ones as needed. Free will is involitile.
It`s about teaching that instead of ``why I can`t succeed`` a person should be asking ``what is the next step needed to succeed``. Let`s say you set an outcome, or goal. You take a step - and you aren`t there yet. Some people will call this `failure`. Others realize they are now a step closer, at the very least they learned what didn`t work and to do something else, or perhaps they are actually just about there and need only one more little thing... regardless, the question is no longer ``why can`t I succeed``, it is ``what is the next step needed``. Change agents help people realize that, help them find that next step if needed, and help them evolve into their goals.
The page turns, and they are onto the next page of their story. You move from where and when you are to where and when you are not as your story progresses into the future.
I consider myself very fortunate that I started exploring at a young age. And after over twenty years, I`ve collected a few stories, many techniques, and a lot of insights.
What I do hope for is that what I write here in the future will change a few lives. Perhaps it will be in adding comfort. Perhaps inspiring some to believe in themselves, to push that little bit further to make their own dreams come true or the dreams of others come true. Perhaps in giving a much needed piece of the puzzle for their inner healing. Or, giving insight that there is a lot more to life than meets the eye.
Maybe the one question that you could ask to change your entire life making it a thousand times better in some way, that one question you never thought of asking, will get answered here. Or maybe it`ll give you an insight that you remember when someone you care about needs it, and that answer will come out and make a difference for them.
We`ll see what happens next. And whatever that next is, I`m sure it will make a difference somehow.
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