How would you like to be able to choose your own destiny ? To be able to set intentions for a goal to turn out the way you want, and have it happen ?
For many people, their lives are run by fate. Sometimes things work out, sometimes they don't. Sometimes they have no control of their lives at all. Occasionally their plans work out, often they take much longer than they wanted or planned, or turn out completely different from expected. Some people, on the extreme side - "Anything that can go wrong, does go wrong".
What is the difference between these two groups ? The ones that have full control of their destiny ("Movers", people that make things happen), and those unfortunates that don't ?
It's one simple ability: "Will". Specifically, "the will to manifest their thoughts into reality". It's the part of you that takes your intentions and makes them real.
This is not the same "will of the moment" (ie, a burst of stubbornness or determination). This is the ability to state a goal, or intention, or something we want to have at some point in the future - and have it happen, somehow. Ever notice how some people get all the lucky breaks, and other's don't ? It does, however, provide the ability to resist when someone is influencing you to some action that is more in their best interest than yours. It all ties in, keep reading and you'll see... .
Bluntly put - we are all born with this "will". Yet very few actually develop it, and many of us erode it. We have only a fraction of this "will to manifest" than we are capable of. And many of us, through bad choices, actually what "will" we do have.
Throughout this article, I'd like to show you how "will" becomes damaged or eroded, how "will" works to impact our lives, and what YOU can do to rebuild your own "will" to fantastic levels so that any goal, every intention, that you set happens. Easily, and almost like magic.
How "Will" works, and how we Destroy it
For this article, it's easiest to describe how people can destroy their own will. That will also explain how it works. First off, no one can damage your will except you - it's impossible. Only you can destroy it, only you can repair it.
The most damaging thing a person can do to destroy their own will is to lie.
Next most damaging is to break committments, or any sort of mismatching of words with actions.
When a person lies, their unconscious mind is fully aware of what they are saying. Simply put - they train their unconscious mind that their words do not matter. That what they say is really meaningless. The unconscious mind learns extremely well. So when you establish patterns that your words mean nothing... it will follow that pattern without prejudice. Every lie made strengthens the pattern. The unconscious mind gradually learns to ignore an individual's words, and intentions. Worse - if the words used were exact opposite to the truth, their unconscious mind establishes a pattern of reversal - "do the opposite of what I say" gets set in place.
The unconscious mind is powerful... it has all of your strengths, resources, abilities, it's the source of your emotions, 95 percent of your thoughts are their... it's main goal is to assist you in life, and living.
Think of the conscious mind as the captain of the ship, and the unconscious mind is the navigator and the crew. The conscious mind sets the direction, the course, the unconscious mind makes it happen.
What happens to a ship when the crew stops listening to the captain ? Well... it would continue on it's last set of valid directions, maybe... or drift around, just reacting to obstacles. I'll leave the rest to your imagination.
So by lying, a person trains their unconscious mind that their words are meaningless and can be ignored. Or to do the reverse.
Later on, that person may say "Oh, I want to achieve <whatever>". Their unconscious mind hears the words, the intentions, yet ignores them... because that person, through lying, has trained their unconscious mind that the words are just sounds without meaning. Worse case scenario, it may have learned to do the opposite... in which case they will definitely not achieve <whatever>, they will get the opposite result.
Breaking committments, or mismatching words (and intentions) to actions, is the next worse. It basically teaches the unconscious mind that goals don't matter. That a goal or intention can be ignored if something else comes up, or if it's too much effort. If a person trains their unconscious mind enough this way, it will simply ignore any goals that go beyond the immediate moment, and just deal with the goals of the moment until the moment passes.
The most dangerous part of damaging one's own will is that they can generate patterns where their unconscious mind is more receptive to instructions from others in the world around them than their own instructions. They become people of reaction rather than people of action.
Patterns such as procrastination, disorganization, forgetting things, and other self-sabotage or limiting patterns are the outcome of this sort of self-training. Even bad relationships, or losing good ones (the unconscious ignoring our intent for healthy relationships). It starts slowly, but over time will have huge limits imposed on oneself. It even accounts for why addictions (food, substances, etc) can be hard to shake. (I'll make a seperate post on this, in Part 3).
Essentially what has happened is that we have damaged our ability to have rapport with our own unconscious mind. This rapport is one of the elements that give us the ability to have our unconscious mind co-operate with us, and follow through with our intentions. Simply put - our own minds no longer take us seriously.
We all make mistakes over time, no one is perfect, yet our unconscious minds are always active, always learning... anytime we stretch the truth out, or mismatch actions to words, there's a small erosion of our ability to bring about our intentions.
Enhancing our "will", our ability to manifest our intentions
So - How do we increase our "will", our rapport with our unconscious minds, and our ability to make our intentions (dreams, goals) really happen ?
It's easy - do the reverse of the above. When you say something - follow through with it. Follow through with committments. Do what you say, and say what you do.
In the next part - I'll give some exercises that help with rebuilding or increasing "will". It is very easy, almost effortless, and over time will replace the bad patterns with good ones. You want to get to the point where "will" is effortless, and automatic. This will make it much easier to reach goals and achieve whatever it is you'd like to achieve in life !